Tuesday, March 15, 2011

10 Days

The eighth marked thirteen months of living in Korea. We've really enjoyed our time here, but we're excited to be leaving soon. It didn't seem like it would happen, but two replacements have been hired and we will be flying home in about 10 days! We've been hurriedly preparing ourselves to go. Being so busy with everything has caused me to slack on the blog.

Some of the things we've been up to include:

Packing all of our unnecessary items into two giant boxes to mail home on the slow boat.

Trying to sell all of the possessions we've accumulated over the course of a year. We managed to buy a lot of stuff.

Wedding Planning. Table arrangements and invitations don't make themselves, at least I think.

Next week we will be training the new recruits, filing for pension, closing our bank accounts and furiously cleaning and clearing out our apartment.

Plane tickets have been purchased. Because of the horribly tragedy in Japan, the travel agent had trouble getting us direct flights home. Our plans are to fly to Japan on March 26th where the airlines will accommodate us for the night and then leave for Chicago on the 27th. It's all happening so fast!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited as well as the rest of your family and friends! Good luck with the packing.Lots of love, Mommy
